Chronic Conditions
Acupuncture has been used for over 3,000 thousand years to address many chronic conditions. It can provide help even when conventional western medicine cannot.
Personally, I have witnessed the struggles of family and friends with a variety of autoimmune conditions as well as managing the side effects of cancer treatments. Helping people through these times called me to pursue this type of healing work and is the reason my days feel complete and fulfilling.
Acupuncture is not a cure – it is a way to help manage many of the symptoms of illnesses and improve quality of life.
Here’s how Acupuncture-Advantage can help:
Lessen flare-up frequency and duration
Help minimize side effects of treatments or medications
Ease nausea and fatigue
Lift depression and reduce anxiety
Improve sleep so your body has time to heal itself
Minimize pain
Treatments for family members to reduce their stress
Follow our blog to read about what the scientific research shows.
Below is a partial list of conditions shown to be responsive to Acupuncture (if you do not see your condition listed, it does not mean we cannot help, please call the office).
Arthritis (all types including Rheumatoid and Osteo)
Crohne’s disease
Diabetes, non-insulin-dependent
Multiple Sclerosis
Neuropathy & Neuralgia
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Radicular and pseudoradicular pain syndrome
Raynaud syndrome, primary
Stroke rehabilitation